Artist Awards Dave Turner

The Dave Turner AirplayExpress Awards Page

Dave Turner is a pianist, singer-songwriter and recording artist who caught the music bug at age six from the Beatles’ Hey Jude on a jukebox in Rochester, Minnesota. He began playing the piano at age seven and writing songs in grade school, drawing a great deal of inspiration from Elton John. His childhood piano teacher, Claire Berry, allowed him to forego Beethoven and Chopin at his recitals in favor of pieces such as Pete Townshend’s Overture from Tommy. Through high school and college and in his 20s Dave performed with and composed music for several original music bands ranging from progressive (with the bands Mudai, Octavian and M5) to alternative rock (with The Search).

“I’ve Been Delivered” Written and Performed by Dave Turner Topped the AirplayExpress Top20 Gospel Charts and remained there for one Week during October 2017 earning Dave, a well-earned Platinum award from AirplayExpress

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